Monthly Archives: October 2010

Studio Place Arts in Barre, Vermont

I completely forgot to do a post on this!

The two stone pieces that I did this past summer are up right now at SPA in Barre, Vermont.

Go see Barre’s finest while you still can. Exhibition comes down at the end of October.

Open for business! –On Etsy


I have put this off for long enough. I now have my own little ‘shop’ on Etsy! So if you seen anything you like in my jewlelry section, the work is available for purchase through Etsy. I have more in stock than is shown on the website, so inquiries are welcome. More items will pop up over the coming weeks.

Happy shopping!


RSP/Damstuhltrager Studio Week 2

After a month back in Berlin, I was given the extreme privilege of taking over the downstairs at Rockelmann Stuhltrager Projects for a 2 month residency. The first week I moved all relevant materials into the space, and by now I have started a few drawings and busted out some smaller ideas that I have been wanting to do for a while.

Here are photos of the space.

The space is plenty of room to make big drawings, a few clay pieces, and some smaller casts that I a working on. For the past week I have been trying out a faux bronze patina on polyurethane casts. Eventually, I would like to do larger pieces with this technique but for now these are fun experiments.

There are larger drawings and clay pieces going on, but they are in the beginning phases.